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letter of advice中文是什么意思

用"letter of advice"造句"letter of advice"怎么读"letter of advice" in a sentence


  • 发货通知单, 汇票通知单
  • 发货通知单,汇票通知单
  • 发货通知书;汇款通知书
  • 建议书通知书
  • 起运通知


  • His letters of advice and consolation entertained me vastly .
  • You have received a regular letter of advice ?
    那么说,您已经接到通知了? ”
  • Letter of advice
  • " permit me to inform you , count , " said he , bowing , " that i have received a letter of advice from thomson french , of rome .
    “伯爵阁下, ”他欠了欠身说道, “我收到了罗马汤姆生弗伦奇银行的一张通知书。 ”
  • But as regards the letter of advice , i am charmed to find that it has reached you ; that will spare me the troublesome and disagreeable task of coming to you for money myself
  • A circular containing , among other things , further details of the subscription agreement , the whitewash waiver , the commercial contracts , the recommendation from the independent board committee of the company to the independent shareholders in respect of the subscription agreement , the whitewash waiver , the purchases to be made in the year ending 31 december 2004 , 2005 and 2006 , the purchase caps , the transactions to be made in the year ending 31 december 2004 , 2005 and 2006 and the transactions caps , the letter of advice from the independent financial adviser to the independent board committee of the company and a notice convening the sgm will be despatched to the shareholders of the company as soon as practicable
用"letter of advice"造句  
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